DECEMBER 16-22 Come Unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him

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Come Follow Me, Moroni 10

It was the early 1970’s. I was sitting on the grass with my friend Margaret; with her guitar she played and sang a song her fellow guitar friend Jeff had composed one night for a class devotional the next day. ‘Never let His light go, never let your love grow dim.” The phrase would never leave me.

Shared from friend to friend, guitar chords transcribed for piano, the song spread. A decade passed when Jeff was at last approached for permission to publish and record the song. It went viral (as we would say now), becoming a favorite for many of us, sung as choirs and full instrumentation. Yet I still hear it as I first had, sitting on the grass as a friend sang simply with her guitar.

Thank you Jeff, for being open to the inspiration of this powerful song. And thank you Margaret, for being one to pass it on.

I Heard Him Come- Jeff Goodrich, Laura Wollan

As we feel the change in ourselves through Christ our thoughts and efforts seem to naturally turn to other’s needs; for isn’t that the example He set and what He wants from us?

Nadia Khristean has turned her song-writing talent toward awareness for many causes. Here is just one example to get you hooked – and you will find her on your playlist as she is on mine.

Hands Will Speak- Nadia Khristean

This next video became a quick favorite, sung in Gabby’s simply beautiful style.

Wonderful World/Pay it Forward- Israel Kamakawiwo’ole (Gabby)

Words aren’t sung in this next video, yet it is incredible to watch and follow along Akaine’s creation of this light-filled painting.

The Light- Akiane Kramarik

How do you spread His light? How do you keep love bright and growing?

Thank you to all the artists whose songs share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fill my life with joy.

What Song Caught You?