JANUARY 6-12: Hearken, O Ye People

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Come Follow Me Doctrine and Covenants 1

“God, can you change me so that I can handle the things that you’re walking me through?” (Micah Tyler)

We naturally pray to have our trials and burdens lessened or lifted. Yet our trials may in fact be building tools. We will be changed, one way or another. Know the Lord is with us through our painful growing. Why fight it when God is trying to change us to become more like Him?

Different- Micah Tyler

There seems to be a pattern: We are brought down through our weakness. In our weakened state we are made humble. In our humility we then repent, or turn back around to the righteous way. In so doing we are rebuilt and made strong.

This could lead us back to a weakness found in pride. But that doesn’t have to happen if we acknowledge the divine arms around us through it all, and the hands that rebuild us to be strong.

Strong- Anne Wilson

The pattern above is not a bad one – it is a cycle of growth. Just as the seasons change from summer to summer through periods of loss and new growth. Winter storms feed the growth and abundance of summer. There is purpose in each season, in weakness or strength.

Orienteering was a fun exercise at camp – using a compass, and checkpoints to find the path to the designated treasure. A lot like a video game. Checkpoints seemed to always be set in the crappiest places, having to climb over ‘impossible boulders’, hidden in ‘ripping prickles’, or a ‘pit of despair’. I always saw it as a profound lesson for life. What do you use as your compass? What are your checkpoints? What treasure are you aiming for?

Ever think that life is like a video game too – offering pits and thorns and broken roads that we can’t avoid. Yes, consequences of our choices might take us down a different, rougher road with added enemies and dangers and a tough climb to get back. But the broken road is more likely just the way we need to go to get where we’re going. We’ll trip and fall, get dirty and distracted and a bit lost as the road looks scattered by a more travelled road, and yet – we are under the Lord’s protection.

Check in regularly- especially when stuck in a crappy place. Be ready to follow updated directions. WE are the treasure that must arrive at the designation.

Bless the Broken Road- Gentri

The Lord wants us strong. We must be strong- so we are strengthened from the challenges of the rough road. He also wants us to have happiness in our lives. As we hold to him, and acknowledge His guidance with gratitude we find happiness, and strength to rise up and up from the rubble and the messy dust of the road.

Dust- Yahosh Bonner

Find God even in the depths of trials, and in them you can experience joy.

Thank you to all the artists whose songs share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fill my life with joy.

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