JULY 8-14, 2024 They Never Did Fall Away

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CFM Alma 23-29

Can people really change? Well, I for one am counting on be able to.

Changing Me- Anna Golden

To summarize an article in PsychCentral Sept 26, 2022 by Ashley Carucci, with Lori Lawrenz, PsyD, people can change if only a few requirements are met, including self-awareness and willpower, becoming intentional about behaving differently, and receiving support, perhaps lifelong therapy.

Then we walk along the road with Saul or Alma- son of Alma, and his friends. A Heavenly visitor and they are changed immediately! I have seen people change dramatically and rather quickly simply by feeling the spirit touch them in a powerful way. I have felt it within myself. I hope you have too. But what is extraordinary is when we can hold on to that feeling, that change within us. Perhaps that’s going back to what the psychologists say- to be self-aware and intentional.

Saul/Paul, Alma and his friends had to be intentional! Their lives going forward as missionaries were full of difficulties that they could have avoided – just by going back to what they had once been, or perhaps not so strong in their new convictions. And yet, like Joseph Smith, they could not deny what God had revealed to them. May we have that fortitude.

That’s Why- Scott Krippayne

Next up is one of my favorite videos, a reminder that change isn’t just a one-time event, but a continual reliance on the divine.

Fires- Jordan St. Cyr

There are many recordings of this next song – but I find that this arrangement [and it’s original recording from 2006] still moves me the most.

Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing- BYU combined choirs and orchestra

‘Tomorrow is another day!’ (Scarlet O’Hara) If we haven’t changed forward, then we’re going backward.

Thank you to all the artists whose songs share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fill my life with joy.