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OCTOBER 21-27 There Could Not Be a Happier People
By Lisa | Published | No Comments
Come Follow Me 3 Nephi 27- 4 Nephi
Our theme continues, from the marriage of Bride and Bridegroom, then adding children, to building a lasting family, even an eternal one. That is the promise of Heavenly Happiness. The place where we belong, where everybody knows your name (Thanks ‘Cheers’).
I want to praise and thank the Affleck family, and other amazing families, who have lived my dream of having a musically performing family.
Families Can Be Together Forever- Affleck Family Music
Yeah, but let’s get real! If families were only made of sugar, we’d miss out on a lot of – dare we say – Heavenly flavor! Best laid plans made, yet my family still resembles a bit of this . . . without the dancing and well-tuned instruments. Yet we come together in numbers and love, over a tasty buffet! From the movie ‘Family Camp’.
Family Is Family- Rhett Walker
Thousands of years and generations since Adam, we have been born and scattered, now to cover the whole earth. All of these past generations have looked forward to the day when all will be gathered again.
WE are that long-awaited generation – the time of gathering.
Gather Us In- Marty Haugen
You may be getting this blog – anywhere on earth. We may not know each other. And yet, by God’s grace, we are gathered together. Are today’s marvel’s that bring us together just the handiwork of men? I believe they are much more than that – following a blessed design for the purposes of the divine.
Truman Brothers- The Day Dawn Is Breaking
How good it is to know – no matter how weird we are – We Belong!