SEPTEMBER 23-29, 2024 Arise and Come Forth unto Me

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Come Follow Me 3 Nephi 8-11

This week invites us to look forward to what it will be like when Jesus comes again to the earth. How will you see Him?

How do you see Him now? Can you see His light in others around you? In efforts of service, in striving to find purpose in pain, in turning away from harmful patterns? Forgiveness? Repentance? I see Him there all the time.

Jesus is the Light- by Brenda McGary, One Voice Choir

I was looking at another song with this same title when I discovered this beautiful lyrical song from Darby Hughes, and wanted to share it.

When He Comes Again- Darby Hughes

I learned from a dear friend, a man just released from prison after many years. When I first met Keith he was distrusting, hardened- an attitude that said ‘stay away!’ But he came to a worship service. Apparently I showed a music video that day- I don’t remember what, but he told me later that he was glad the lights had been turned off so no one would see his tears falling onto his shirt.

Through the following weeks and months we marveled at Keith. The crusty man became selfless, patient, forgiving, always serving another. Whatever touched him through that music video penetrated deep. He told us he’d decided to put his life into God’s hands, and whatever that looked like was okay.

His life struggles certainly didn’t go away- he had many of them, including a fight with cancer. Yet he faced them all with an attitude that it was all okay- God knew what he was doing and how to get him through it.

I will share more about Keith another time. But when he did meet Jesus, I have no doubt that it was with a full embrace, intermingling their flow of tears.

Bountiful is not just a great place where I grew up north of Salt Lake City, but is named for a city in The Book of Mormon. After His resurrection, Jesus visited the people there. You can read about this holy visit in 3 Nephi chapters 8-11. (as referenced above) You can feel it here with City of Enoch.

Bountiful- City of Enoch

This visit is further depicted in this next song, which has always touched me to tears. Thank you Jared, for the beautiful way you’ve added the video.

This is the Christ- Tabernacle Choir, video posted by Jared Geddes

May you feel His love pour upon you. Until we meet Him again . . .

Thank you to all the artists whose songs share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fill my life with joy.