AUGUST 26-SEPTEMBER 1, 2024 The Rock of Our Redeemer

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Come Follow Me – Helaman 1-6

How Firm a Foundation – The Petersens

Anyone who doesn’t struggle with some kind of addiction raise your hand. If your hand is up, think again. Several can come to mind, gaming, sugar, staying up late, anger, can’t turn off your phone. Are these things bad? Are they addictions – or just bad habits? I’m going to treat them the same – if they overpower our own will. Harmful addictions keep us from being at our best, interfere with relationships, and lead to other harmful behaviors – such as lying to ourselves to justify our addictions.

Those who are battling severe addictions can find help in Addiction Recovery programs. And one of the first things learned is the importance of relying on a higher power, because we can’t fight our battles alone. Christ is the Rock! When addictions come tempting, turn to Christ. Let His strength guide your next steps through your battlefield to make better choices.

It’s always good to have a Power Song in your arsenal. I like this one.

My Feet Are on the Rock – I AM THEY

While a firm foundation gives us strength, having the strength to recognize our reliance on it shows humility. Humble is not being weak. Daniel Cha’s words say it sweetly in this song of prayer.

Humble My Heart – Daniel Cha

And speaking of hearts-  One day in 2011 I was rushed to a hospital. Apparently I have a heart condition and a procedure was required. Doctors and nurses and ambulance drivers treated me with immediate and what seemed exaggerated urgency, afraid my heart would suddenly stop.  It was quite comical to me then because I didn’t feel any symptoms – I felt just fine. Like any other day.

Before my procedure I spent the night in the hospital. And In those hours of waiting thought a lot about all the conditions of my heart. The procedure promised to ensure that my heart would keep pumping for many years to come, so what would I do with those years? What is my heart, my core, made of?

I’m not sure that my life has taken a dramatic turn from that event. I’m so easily distracted from my best intentions. And yet I can’t deny that at my core is Christ. I love Him. I rely on Him. He is at the center of all my other relationships.

Have It All – Brian Johnson


Thank you to all the artists whose songs share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and fill my life with joy.